Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January Reads

For business/knowledge - Social Nation by Barry Libert. I was asked if I'd like to recieve a copy of this book to review and I anxiously awaited its arrival. Unfortunately it hit my door right the day before Thanksgiving. I read a few pages while waiting in the car for Lolly and then the book ended up in my trunk during the holiday season. But now I am ready to dig in to it.

For fun -Sliding Into Home by Kendra Wilkinson. Truth be told, this is just a book of convenience. I was starting to worry because I didn't have a fun book picked out or have I been able to get to the library Lolly bought it with some Christmas money while at her dads' and loved it. So we'll see.

I hope to knock these both out pretty quick so I can get back to reading Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Lapin. It's been a slow read for me and I know it's a slim chance I could get the rest read this month.

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