Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 10

Did I mention that I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred? Today is day 10. I had heard a lot about the Shred and how hard it was. Honestly, I thought it would be tough but I'd be tougher. I've worked out for years, I've worked with several trainers throughout the years, for crying out loud I ran 6 miles injured to finish a half marathon. I can take the pain.

Having not being able to run since getting injured in October, I knew it would be a little rough to start but holy cow, it's day 10 and I am still hurting and I am still on level 1. It's 20 minutes of huffing, puffing, moaning, and usually cussing.

I gained 5lbs over the holidays and I didn't have room to gain 5lbs, I was already "trying" to lose. Not being able to run has been hard. I don't particularly like to exercise but I love to run. It's more mental therapy than is it "physical" therapy for me. I am not seeing any results yet from the Shred but it's only been a little of a week. I do feel stronger though.

Has anybody else done or started the Shred? I think I'll start level Two tomorrow or Saturday but seriously, I am bit scared.

I have until August to get it together and in shape, more on that later...


Rock Chef said...

Hi! I came over from Kenady's blog. My wife is doing the Shred - today is day 3. As I said in my latest post, I phoned home when she was half way through a work out - making her start again! Ooops!

FrouFrouBritches said...

I bought it before we joined our new gym for something to do at home. I only did it a few times, but I had trouble moving the next day. I couldn't even pick up the kids! It was HORRIBLE!

Good luck going to Level 2.