Monday, February 16, 2009

Life Changing

For a smart girl, I often wonder why can't I lose that pesky ten lbs,which has alarming hit close to 20lbs in the last few years. I know what to eat. I like to run. Should be easy. Calories in, calories out. I've considered things like fear of failure, no self control, my sugar addiction etc, but still end up back at why is this so hard?

Then I happened to stumble across this book recently. Below is an excerpt from a review

It all starts with how you think. With other programs, you think about nothing but food: counting, weighing, and worst of all, food you can't have. This way of thinking inevitably contributes to diet failure. The Beck Diet Solution is the only program that helps dieters use Cognitive Therapy methods, based on research to forever change those treacherous thought patterns that lead to overeating, cheating, excuses, and other dieting downfalls.
What do you mean my thinking has something to do with it? This has been a big eye opener. Concepts such as Eat Sitting Down. This in itself has been life changing. I was amazed at how rarely I eat sitting down. Not just meals, but snacks, a taste here, a taste there. I can't believe the amount times I caught myself putting food in my mouth and realized I was standing.

Another concept Pratice Hunger Tolerance, hunger is not an emergency. Some of you fit and trim girls maybe laughing but it always felt like an emergency to me. Where I got this feeling I have no clue but I sure become one cranky girl if I get hungry.
This is the first thing I've read about weight loss that hasn't made me feel that it takes some kind of magical combination of what you eat, when you eat, and the moon and stars aligning to be successful and it has nothing to do with low carbs, counting points, or having food delivered to my door.

Many, many, many years ago I made an easy decision to be a "happy person", to stop focusing on the negative and just be happy.I will be completely floored if all years of weight struggle, many when I was a perfect size but could not see it, could have been averted if I just chose to be a thin person. Make that a happy thin person.


The Pink Chick said...

You have definitely sparked my interest! I am putting this book on my shopping list!!!

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

Wow, the hunger tolerance thing just floored me. You are so right! When I get those hunger pains, it's like the end of the world- I must eat!!! Thanks for that tip; I'm gonna have to get this book!

kara battel said...

i had not heard of this book... you've got me very interested! tell me more tell me more! thinking thinner!