Thursday, February 5, 2009

Anyone Seen My Motivation?

This is what I should be doing a lot If we are going to get the current House of Fowler on the market in order to return to the original house of fowler so that we can some day be living on the Land of Fowler, I need to get a move on. Between Mister, Lolly, 2 very large dogs and 2 fighting cats I am feeling very unmotivated...


Kim said...

Same here. I spent three hours cleaning J4's bathroom today. Yeah, it's been awhile.

We've had some "interest" so I have to get it back to showing condition....quickly.

kenady said...

cleaning, packing, prepping... it's the suckiest part of getting a house on the market! UGH! Good luck, my friend! i feel ya completely!