Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Giveaway Alert

Run over to Monogrammed Teacher for her great Doodle Bugs Paper giveaway. Right now, what are you waiting for!

1 comment:

3 Bay B Chicks said...

OK, OK. I'm going! :)

I’m what you might like to think as the very tail end of the SITS welcome wagon. While my cohorts all probably stopped by your blog in a timely manner, I instead took a different approach. I thought I would wait a while and then swing by and say, hey, you’re still a member!

Or maybe I’m just a big slacker who is finally getting back on the comment wagon. I’ll leave the interpretation up to you, but I urge you to seriously consider option #1! :)


PS: Your house is amazing! As someone who is currently in the market for one, I'd something something like yours!